real fine practice needed

Monday, October 3, 2011

lately I've been learning more about multiple exposures on film.

this was the idea I had in my head when I saw this sign, "REAL FINE DOG," on South Congress.

so I took that shot, didn't advance the film, came home and took a shot of Noah on the same shot.

unfortunately, when I got my developed film back, there was just a faint image of Noah and it was hard to distinguish.

so I superimposed two images to get the result I was aiming for.

here is the original image...  noah is just a faint "ghost appearance" in the bottom left corner.

can you even see him?

you can see the metal fence much better than Noah.

if you look above the flag on the bottom left, there is a faint outline of his face.

so I'm off to the store to buy more film.

looks like I need some more practice!!


Lucie said...

such amazing pictures!

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