wither & fade

Monday, August 8, 2011

Josh has an atlas.

No Tom Tom.  No Navi.  No Google Maps.

Just the good ole' faded and torn pages of a Texas Roadside Atlas.

He loves finding back roads to take en route to a destination.

And I love going along for the ride.

(because although I like to think I'm good with directions - I do have a slight tendency to get distracted)

For instance...  did you see the little distraction above?

The old stones, worn interior, and overall atmosphere you witness while sitting in the windowsill.

The sun was beating down at 100 + degrees, but just sitting in the windowsill,

no A/C needed...

there was a great breeze through the windows and all was cool & quiet.

Although I will warn you.

Back road driving can come at a price...

We did get a flat tire.

BUT we survived without too many vultures circling above.


Hope Monday is being nice to you!


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