
Sunday, April 12, 2015

Little snippets of the past week.

From rambling roses and blurry cupcakes, to coffee and fresh farm eggs.

One damn delicious chocolate cupcake...

I savored every last morsel... even thought about scraping the chocolate off of the wrapper!

Should I admit that?


It's been feeling like Seattle lately, except for the humid mid-80s temperatures.

The sun keeps playing hide and seek with the clouds.

I'm sippin' on some Argus Ginger Perry (Pear Ginger Fizzy Adult Beverage).

Laughing about crazy Cole and his chewing fetish...

You know to the point of shredding not one, but two wayward balls that found themselves in our yard by the neighboring children.

Good deed for the week award goes to Josh for replacing the shredded nerf football and making a kid smile.

Brownie points for the exact nerf football replacement - color and all.


Happy Sunday!


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